Winfield Letterpress Studio

I use the latest electronic technology combined with the finest mechanical engineering produced in the 20th century to practice the craft of letterpress printing.

We print invitations, stationery, book covers, greeting cards, broadsides, business cards, coasters, posters, books, and projects for creative professionals and letterpress lovers using the well maintained and often re-engineered equipment shown below.Papery Card
The Heidelberg platen press, a marvel of mechanical engineering and the finest platen letterpress printing machine ever made. Ours press has been refurbished to deliver the high quality, pin sharp printing for which it was originally designed.
The Chandler and Price platen press, one of the favourites of printers in North America for close to a century. They are rugged, reliable, accurate, and easy to operate. Ours was manufactured in 1904. It has been carefully brought back to life and still has the original factory paint job with the gold leaf trim showing through.
Our Vandercook press manufactured in 1931 and originally used to make proofs of newspaper copy. It has been refitted with a register device to provide accurate positioning and an inking system to provide smooth, even ink coverage. It was used to produce the cover of the award winning Seghers Collection published in 2014.
